Homebrew Idol 2008
Written on June 1st , 2008 by Pierre L
The Homebrew Idol 2008 coding contest took place in June 2008.
1: Stakker by MK2k
NR: Biniax 2 PSP by Deniska
NR: Birdman’s Shooter by Birdman
NR: Castle Wars PSP Beta by XlaiR
Download Castle Wars PSP Beta!
NR: Light Cycle Clone by titch.ryan
NR: MyPspMenu by Cpasjuste
NR: NervOS by Pirata Nervo
NR: NIGathan’s Shootuh by NIGathan
NR: Pipeline by snowmydog
NR: Playboy’s Shooter by Playboy
NR: PReSS by The Underminer
NR: Protect Me by MaxTheBest
NR: PSP Maps by Royale
NR: PSP Pileup by Sangheili
NR: PSPBilliards by slicer4ever
NR: Resonate by hardhat
NR: Ruckus DJ MOD LE by CK
NR: Rythm Engine Rythm Box Mod by Brick
Download Rythm Engine Rythm Box Mod!
NR: Xadrez by João Bastos
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