NEO Spring Compo 2007
Written on March 1st , 2007 by Pierre L
The NEO Spring 2007 coding competition took place in March 2007.
Apps division
1: AFKIM by danzel
2: Old School Library Sprites Lib by phosphorous / Florian Brönnimann
Download Old School Library Sprites Lib!
3: ThemeFlasher by ai3gtmc
Not featured, as it alters the flash memory.
4: Punani by hallo007
5: metronomPSP by saulotmalo
6: Cow Tips by Sektor
7: Sheep Machine by miNi
Games division
1: Hexaxis XXI by darksoft
2: GoGo Goo by BennyRebirth & Dalk
3: CSPSP by nataku92
4: Pokemon Keeper by N64Francois
5: Space Escape by Grimfate126
6: Call of Duty 2 - PSP Edition by sg57
Download Call of Duty 2 - PSP Edition!
7: Bumper Car Mayhem by Fuzzie 360
8: Pro Foosball by Madcupid
9: Legacy by psp_jono
10: Zlink by rattmuffen
11: Leviaman Neo Zero by Leviadragon
12: TTR by Freshmilk
13: Smileys Maze by Pucelano
14: ArkanoidUJIPSP by Saulotmalo
15: Hangman by Pspowner
16: Pigiddy-Pigiddy Pong by Mooser
17: The Ball by KL
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