NEO Spring Coding Compo 2009
Written on March 1st , 2009 by Pierre L
The NEO Spring Coding Compo 2009 took place in March 2009.
Games division
1: Ragdoll Cannon by walar
2: Asterz by Slasher
3: Crazy Gravity Portable by TheUnderminer
Download Crazy Gravity Portable!
4: TibiaPSP by LuMa
5: asterSpace3D by pspflashsystem
6: Wagic by wololo
7: Apollonia by GlennNZ
8: Agenaworld by edepot
9: PSPReversi by jojojoris
10: Gnarly Pong by A_Noob
NR: EarthInvasion by basfreak
NR: Pong by Digikid13
NR: PopBlocks by Gefa
Apps division
1: downPSP by carlosgs
2: PSPconsole v1.3neo by Hotter
This entry is a plugin.
3: PSPDictionary by Gefa
4: pag3 - make your own website today by pront0
Download pag3 - make your own website today!
5: TimeTrainer by teamsushi
NR: DAPESi : DAPES Improved by Shaolan
Download DAPESi : DAPES Improved!
NR: prxutility++ by pspflashsystem
NR: XMBShell by Total_Noob
This homebrew has been archived, but no longer works.
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