NEO Summer Compo 2007
Written on August 1st , 2007 by Pierre L
The NEO Summer 2007 coding competition took place in August 2007.
Games division
1: Ozone by Helius/Nacho Sánchez
2: Defence Station Portable by danzel
Download Defence Station Portable!
3: HEX-A-HOP by deniska
4: Times of War by Madcupid
5: Gunnar Hero by teamsushi
6: cdogsPSP by Sektor
7: Hamtaro Holidays by leviadragon
8: Dementia by Freshmilk
9: Shoot4Fun by gambiting
10: QQ Manto by nataku92
NR: infXion by CBarox
NR: PSP Simon Portable by saulotmalo
NR: PSP Tower Defense by tacticalpenguin
NR: PucePong by pucelano
NR: Ultra Program by mitchelljm
Apps division
1: MasterBoy by Brunni
2: PSP SpreadSheet by pucelano
3: Bermuda CS 7 by bumuckl
4: Academic Aid by Mr305
5: UFO v5.0 by almost219
NR: 7WiN Windowing System for PSP LUA by yongobongo
Download 7WiN Windowing System!
NR: Easy PSP Calculator by pucelano
NR: Mandelbrot Fractal Generator by gambiting
Download Mandelbrot Fractal Generator!
NR: Manga2PSP by Yodajr
NR: My Portuguese Teacher by Madcupid
Download My Portuguese Teacher!
NR: Slash-N-Flash by Slasher
Not featured as it alters the flash memory.
NR: Xandu’s Media Player by Xandu
Download Xandu’s Media Player!
NR: yPaint by yongobongo
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