PSP-Hacks Homebrew Competition (2007)
Written on May 1st , 2007 by Pierre L
The PSP-Hacks Homebrew Competition took place in May 2007.
1: RosettaShard by foebea
2: Sleep’n’Wake PSP by MK2k
3: Npaint by NIGathan
4: LeeSP by Silverfox
5: Roboflood by CBarox
6: Serve N Go by Sousanator
7: Tankw00rst PSP by MK2k
8: Setgool by Pirata Nervo
9: Screen Defender by teachme
10: PSP Organize! by coldtoiletseat
11: Automotive conversions by jay543_uk
Download Automotive conversions!
12: Sloynik by Cy-4AH
13: GuitarBox by Rocamatics
14: Simon Remix by J@ricanese
15: PSPMusic by Crystalized
This homebrew is now lost.
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