PSP Genesis competition 2011
Written on May 1st , 2011 by Pierre L
The swan song of the PSP scene, the PSP Genesis competition of 2011 was a major undertaking by homebrew standards. The organisers managed to involve nine PSP websites across three language areas (English, Japanese and French), and received a record number of submissions.
Not all of them were games or apps and the third-place winner, in particular, was a downgrader for firmware 6.38.
1: Lamecraft by Drakon
2: Pro Custom Firmware by Pro Team
3: 6.38 Downgrader by some1
A downgrader for firmware 6.38.
4: Shell by ArnoldBronson
NR: 3D Roll by Chimecho
NR: 3G - Genesis Gravity Game by chocodino
Download 3G - Genesis Gravity Game!
NR: Aereo by Sting18
NR: All Install by OuterHeaven
NR: Aloader by ardi
A plugin.
NR: Amoebax PSP Port by Riviera71
NR: Any Language Study by Nakano
NR: Asalto De Los Cuadrados by Léo
Download Asalto De Los Cuadrados!
NR: Autographer by 10$man
NR: B-Gen by Okapako & CrystalSwordsman
NR: Ballshot by D!S
NR: BattINF by Frostegater
NR: BBGD (Become a bodyguard) by Alface
Download BBGD (Become a bodyguard)!
NR: BeastieBox by Dman49
NR: Beatbox by Babkock
NR: Beware of the Square by SolidCakeS
Download Beware of the Square!
NR: Brainboxer Beta by ASKidwai
NR: Brainstorm number by Sasuke78200
NR: Cálë by D-T-K
NR: Company by nakano
NR: Cross Crisis by PSPKOR
NR: cubemania by Sand3r
NR: CustomHOME by ABCanG
This entry is a plugin.
NR: Deadly Garden by JamesCutter
NR: Desert Stunts by Gorglucks
NR: DORAKZ by djbevan
NR: Easy 6.20 Dualboot by Rinnegatamante
This entry was not a game or application.
NR: Easy 6.20 Installer by fede94boss
This entry was not a game or application.
NR: Evil Teddy by Alchemy Studios
NR: Browser by criptych
Download Browser!
NR: Feeling by Shaolan
NR: Folder Check by shaplayer
NR: G.D.P. by DeViaNTe
NR: gSquare by Geecko
NR: Hide Your Folders by Punker69
NR: HomebrewStore by HomebrewStore Development Team
This homebrew was archived, but no longer works.
NR: Icy Tower portable by kacperski1
NR: iDrum by Benjamin999
NR: Island Wars for PSP by JamesCutter
NR: Kingom Of War PSP by UnlimitedX
This homebrew was archived, but no longer works.
NR: Kobo Deluxe port by Riviera71
NR: Krap-psp v1.8 by kenma9123
This entry is a plugin.
NR: Lightning by Yosh
NR: Localizer by Draan
This entry is a plugin.
NR: Lock The Folder by Knopper
NR: Lost In Space - Asteroid Mission by fullarms
Download Lost In Space - Asteroid Mission!
NR: Lua Tool by Shaplayer
NR: Maze Effects 3.4 Lettres by highronn1
Download Maze Effects 3.4 Lettres!
NR: Medieval Escape by chicky
NR: Micro Zig Zag Racer by Boujack
NR: Mind Reader by walook
NR: Mindcraft by perli55
NR: MineSweeper by Ryp
NR: Mobile Skat by Failbit
NR: Monster Hunter Save Converter by svanheulen
A plugin.
NR: Nazi Zombies Portable by Jukki + team
Download Nazi Zombies Portable!
NR: NewSlide by Afrothunder
A plugin.
NR: NMS by ASKidwai
NR: OpenTube by Biscottealacrevette
NR: p0rtal 2d: maker by SinkeWS
NR: pergame_edit by wn
A plugin.
NR: Platform Portable by Benjamin999
NR: PowerFlashLight+ by Mixery M@xe
A plugin.
NR: PowerPad_Light by 743acid743
A plugin.
NR: pprefs.prx by hiroi01
A plugin.
NR: PRXshot by codestation
A plugin.
NR: pshider v1.0 by jok3r
A plugin.
NR: PSP Battery Timer (nyan flavor!) by snailface
Download PSP Battery Timer (nyan flavor!)!
NR: PSP Claw Explorer by cam-maker
NR: PSP FTW! 2D by HardHat
This homebrew has been archived, but no longer works.
NR: PSP Idoser by Duende68
NR: PSP Installer by Spike_132000
This homebrew has been archived, but no longer works.
NR: PSP Power Controller by SnyFbSx
A plugin.
NR: PSP Util by Arage 56
This homebrew is missing.
NR: PSP3DPlugin by PSPWizard
A plugin.
NR: PSPBriscola by Rinnegatamante
NR: PsPixel by Kinow
NR: PSProtectMySystem by FraPSP98
This homebrew is missing.
NR: PSPScrabble by Leojava
NR: PSPsych by Monk9899
NR: Puzzle Square by chus
NR: Really annoying level game by (|EcLiPsE|)
Download Really annoying level game!
NR: RecoveryMenu by KaZT.U
This entry was not a game or app.
NR: Save the Sun by orezero
NR: Seplugins Manager by 5h4d0w
NR: Sepulka - Selective Plugin Loader by C4TuRd4Y
A plugin.
NR: SerpientePX by klozz
NR: Shell Plugin Package V1 by ArnoldBronson
A plugin.
NR: Silveredge by AndrewYY
NR: Sokoban Remake by BuciMaci88
NR: Soul Eater: Training for a Meister by fullarms
Download Soul Eater: Training for a Meister!
NR: SpaceCraft by NautiluS1
NR: SquareForce by Akabane87
NR: T-Darlinko Overdose by Uspeed and Darlinko
NR: Take the BALL by fede94boss
NR: TankePX by MABZ
NR: The Fake Brick by Th3Alien
NR: The world’s hardest game by Irving Prog
Download The world’s hardest game!
NR: TimeCube The Game by Razzlegames
NR: Toy Wars by Davidgf
NR: Tropas Aereas by luizaoooo
NR: USB Server by thecobra
NR: USpeed Profile Manager by USpeed
A plugin.
NR: VSH & Recovery Menu Flasher by Deutschlands1 and Doeppy
Not a game or app.
NR: Xmb_Rco_Patcher by DarkGiovy
Not a game or app.