PSP Homebrew Game Competition 2013
Written on November 1st , 2013 by Pierre L
The PSP Homebrew Game Competition took place in November/December 2013.
This event was poorly received at the time, due to some dubious decisions taken by the organisers.
No. 1: No Bugs Allowed by Shpuld
No. 2: SQRXZ 2 by Retroguru
No. 3: Quartal by St1x, Senoir Meatbox, Atomic Turtle
No. 4: Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Battle by Shaplayer
This is obviously a modified version of Batalla Ninja, a homebrew from a different coder which was by then already four years old.
Download Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Battle
No. 5: Rockbot: Kyoto Evolution!! by Protoman
Download Rockbot: Kyoto Evolution!
NR: Alchemy by Zed, Sandroron, fantastic
NR: Alpha Team Six by F.A.N.G.S
NR: BattleShip by ABCanG
NR: Breakout by Jairo David
NR: CarroPX by Chus
NR: Cosmos Lunar by Samir88Nasri
NR: Cube Runner Advanced by Zix, Stinkee2
Download Cube Runner Advanced!
NR: Cubynergy by Xeo-Swold
NR: Learn Japanese by PonPon
NR: Mario Kart PSP by FouadtjuhMaster, Dark_Momo
NR: Mario Machine Fruits by Zombieskull
Download Mario Machine Fruits!
NR: Medieval Wars by Jorge_97
NR: Plants vs. Zombies 2 PSP by Joinerlex
Download Plants vs. Zombies 2!
NR: Polyon Hockey by Samir88Nasri
NR: Simple Shoot by nubek
NR: Soldiers of Future by S4inex
NR: Sonymon by V@ughn, FouadtjuhMaster
NR: Stickman Jump by PSGArsenal, Samir88Nasri
NR: Super Chess by Jorge_97
NR: Survival Reflex by PSGArsenal, Samir88Nasri
NR: Xonergy by Xeo-Swold
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