The very first PSP homebrew game
Written on May 4th, 2021 by Pierre L
This isn’t a settled argument, but after checking and archiving over 2,000 homebrews, I feel that I can hazard a guess on the matter.
The first homebrew of any kind is hellopsp by Nem and Sampu-Syokunin, released on 5 May 2005. That much is well documented. But what about the first game?
Going through the archive (which later became, the first homebrew game was a Tetris clone released by the Austrian coder team FragLab five days later, on 10 May.
And yet, a look at the PSP用アプリ wiki reveals the existence of Simple Turn, a Japanese homebrew game released on the same date.
Whichever came first - the Japanese or the Austrian - they’re now both archived.
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