The very first PSP homebrew game
This isn’t a settled argument, but after checking and archiving over 2,000 homebrews, I feel that I can hazard a guess on the matter.
Read more...This isn’t a settled argument, but after checking and archiving over 2,000 homebrews, I feel that I can hazard a guess on the matter.
Read more...Introducing MAME4ALL for PSP - not to be confused with PSPMame, PSP Mame4All and half a dozen other ports of Mame for the Sony handheld - none of which run particularly great.
Read more...Having a bad day? Pick up the Bible, open it on a random page and read the first verse you find:
Read more...PSP Mame4All is the portable version of MAME, the venerable PC emulator of arcade games.
Read more...XProger’s OpenLara takes us for another PSP-powered nostalgia trip. Remember the golden age of 3D gaming, back when gamers were not shamed for being toxic manchildren? Neither do I, but someone at CoreDesign must have fond memories of the mid-90s. After all, at the time they were the best known video-game makers in Britain who didn’t create anthropomorphic digital monkeys for a living.
Read more...Framerater is pretty much the only professional YouTuber to have devoted any attention to PSP homebrews. It’s easy to see why - the PSP is too old to be relevant, but not retro enough to engender nostalgia. There are few views to be had from reporting on a niche scene on a niche platform.
Read more...Why would you ever want to use your PSP as a text editor? It doesn’t have a touch screen. It doesn’t have a keyboard. You can technically link up the very first PSP model with an infrared keyboard - if you can buy one from an antique shop. In other words, it will not be a very practical endeavor.
Read more...This is a port of a game created in the distant year 2005 by Jesse Venbrux (of Karoshi fame). Chocodino ported the game five years later - in 2010. Now’s your turn to play it.
Read more...ChaCheeChoo released the new alpha of his futuristic racer, Tour of Light, just last week.
Read more...When it comes to N64 emulation on PSP, DaedalusX64 is pretty much the only game in town.